lead appointed party

The term introduced by ISO 19650 typically describes the Tier 1 Main Contractor. For example: : The Lead Appointed Party is a specific entity directly appointed (employed) by the primary client (appointing party). Example: The client (Appointing Party) signs a contract with Tier 1 Main Contractor to lead the management process of the project; therefore, […]

risk register

means a risk register containing the risks associated with the timely delivery of information as may be identified in the Information Particulars and/or provided in accordance with the Information Standard. [1] [1] UK BIM Framework, 2020. Information protocol to support BS EN ISO 19650-2 the delivery phase of assets.

model validation checklist

The example checklist consists of checks which assure quality within models and information, to eliminate errors and achieve desired project outcomes. Table 1 – Model Validation Checklist Check Definition Project Coordination Check Ensure the correct location of the building across all models of all disciplines. Model Element Check Ensure that those model elements are correct […]

federation strategy

ELI5-S1: BIM Basics E4: Federation Strategy Explained The purpose of the federation strategy and the Information Container (model) breakdown structure is to help plan the production of information by separate task teams to the appropriate Level of Information Need at each project stage. What does it mean? The way you do complex projects and systems […]