BIM roles are not necessarily related to specialist positions. It should be viewed as a function that could be fulfilled by more than one person and allow the transfer of the functions between individuals holistically [1] Information management roles are not included within BS EN ISO 19650‑2. Instead, all activities within the information management process […]

ELI5-S1 BIM Basics E17_BIM Functions Understanding Functions: A Basic Guide In both everyday life and specialised fields like mathematics, computer science, and even construction, the term “function” is widely used. But what exactly is a function, and how does it differ from “BIM Functions”? In this blog post, we’ll explore the concept of functions in […]
Identifier indicating the characteristic of an element of information for which at all times a value can be established. Word status has been included in ISO 19650 Framework meant to replace word suitability The terms Status & Suitability are equivalent, as both define the permitted uses of information. BS 1192 also uses the term “status” […]
degree to which a product, system or information provides functions that meet stated and implied needs when used under specified conditions [cited from: ISO/IEC 25010:2011(en), 4.2.1, added word ‘information’] appropriateness for supporting the functions (3.12) or activities of users (3.34) or stakeholders (3.29) [ cited from ISO 11863:2011(en), 3.30] Word suitability has been replaced by term status in ISO 19650 Framework The terms […]
In the construction industry, ‘supplier’ refers to a provider of services or goods. The supplier can provide goods or services directly to the ultimate client or another supplier. The publication of ISO 19650 set of standards introduced a change in how project parties are being referenced depending on the hierarchy the term supplier has been […]
Appointed party
The appointed party term introduced in BS EN ISO 19650 it is meant to replace PAS 1192 term ‘Supplier’ Typically it means Tier 2 and below Contractors Who can become an Appointed party? UK BIM Alliance responding to the inconsistency between current guidance of CIC BIM Protocol, Second Edition 2018 and ISO 19650 Framework […]
Volume strategy

ELI5-S1: BIM Basics E10: Volume Strategy (spatial) explained Introduction Volume Strategy enables information management, spatial coordination, and concurrent engineering, ultimately fitting together like a complex 3D jigsaw puzzle, where each piece represents a discipline’s unique space within the project. The typical construction project involves the construction of a facility or asset, physical item or system […]
set of interrelated or interacting activities that transforms inputs into outputs [SOURCE: ISO 9000:2005, definition 3.4.1 (without notes)] ISO 14040:2006(en), 3.11 It is a PAS1192 term replaced by term ‘workflow’ in ISO 19650 framework
The term ‘workflow’ is used in ISO 19650 instead of the PAS 1192 term ‘process’.
The term naming in PAS 1192 is related to information container naming strategy, in ISO 19650 the therm is replaced by term ‘identification’ meaning remains the same