Unified Cloud Platform (UCP)
A unified cloud platform (UCP) has been introduced to facilitate the integration of multiple cloud services into a single cloud environment. The UCP is essentially a cloud management multi-platform that provides the ability to seamlessly integrate microservices allowing users to manage workplace communications across multiple devices such as smartphones, tablets, laptops, desktops and other devices. […]
reinterpretable representation of data in a formalized manner suitable for communication, interpretation or processing [cited from ISO 19650-1:2018(en), 3.3.1]
top management
person or group of people who directs and controls an organization at the highest level [cited from ISO 19650-5:2020(en), 3.14]
Task Information Delivery Plan (TIDP)

schedule of information containers and delivery dates, for a specific task team [cited from ISO 19650-2:2018(en),] The Task Information Delivery Plan (TIDP) is defined by the ISO 19650 framework as federated lists of information deliverables by each task team, including format, date and responsibilities. Each task team is responsible to compile their own TIDP […]
plan of work
It is a project-specific “digitally checkable” framework set-up to ensure that the deliverables of all contributors are identified and appropriate to the decisions required at each work stage. The plan of work should be adopted by the project team as the basis for delivering and operating the asset/facility.[1] According to BS EN ISO 19650-2:2018, […]
information requirement
The information needed to support a business or other activity. specification for what, when, how and for whom information (3.3.1) is to be produced [cited from ISO 19650-1:2018(en), 3.3.2] Term directly related to: Employer Information Requirements (EIR), sometimes referred to as Employer Requirements (ER) – Both replaced by Exchange Information Requirements (EIR) by BS 19650 framework. Organizational Information […]
weakness that can be exploited to cause harm [cited from ISO 19650-5:2020(en), 3.15]
single source of truth

In AEC industry with reference to information systems management, the single source of truth refers to Common Data Environment (CDE) The single source of truth is a method of structuring information models and related CDE in such a way that every data element is stored exactly once. Any possible links to this data element (perhaps […]
correlation between the outcome and the resources used a measure of the utilization of resources to realize a given objective Note 1 to entry: An activity is efficient if it minimizes the use of resources, or produces better performance with the same resources. [SOURCE: ISO 11620:2014, definition 3.16]ISO 5127:2017(en), output work divided by input work [ ISO […]
BS ISO 8000-2:2020

Data quality Part 2: Vocabulary ISO 8000 is an emerging technology standard for organizations that want to improve business processes and control operating costs throughout the product life cycle from conception to disposal. The ISO 8000 principles can be applied to leverage the ability to create, collect, store, maintain, transfer, process, and present data quickly […]