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Organisational Purpose
A sense of organisational purpose is an essential part of promoting organisational effectiveness, which motivates individuals to do work and create something or justify the
single source of truth
In AEC industry with reference to information systems management, the single source of truth refers to Common Data Environment (CDE) The single source of truth
macro diffusion dynamics
adoption model which identifies three diffusion dynamics top-down, bottom-up and middle-out Macro-Diffusion Dynamics model v1.1 (full size, current version). Macro-BIM adoption: Conceptual structures
DWG (“drawing format”) is a binary file format licensed by Autodesk and used for storing two and limited three-dimensional design data and metadata. It is
Work stages
A division of standardised process and activities into named stages during the life of a system or facility. The process and activities extending from the
Problem Solving Process
ELI5-S2: BIM in Practice E7: problem solving process explained Understanding the Problem-Solving Process Effective problem-solving is at the heart of success in any field. Drawing
Plain Language Questions (PLQ)
The publication of ISO 19650 set of standards replaces use of PLQ and instead introduce the term with exchange information requirements (EIR) and project information
actor (3.2.1) responsible for initiating a project and approving the brief [cited from ISO 19650-1:2018(en), 3.2.5] The UK BIM Alliance, responding to the inconsistency between the current
Supporting Information
Supporting information shall be used where applicable and relevant to fully understand and evaluate information requirements or acceptance criteria. Supporting information includes but is not
Max Zs
Themaximum value of earth fault loop impedance (Zs) that will allow the protective device in a circuit to disconnect an earth fault within the prescribed
The Publicly Available Specification (PAS) 1192 part two was published in February 2013; the specification was based on existing Code of practice BS 1192 dated
Information model
set of structured and unstructured information containers (3.3.12) [cited from ISO 19650-1:2018(en), 3.3.8] ISO 19650 framework concentrates specifically on the information model concept, a term that contains
reference document
publication that is consulted to find specific information, particularly in a technical or scientific domain EXAMPLE See EN 771-1:2011+A1: 2015.Note 1 to entry: A reference
Business goals
Business goals drive organisational outcomes, helping to keep the focus on the company’s important short and long term priorities. The goals must be defined, understood,
interacting objects organized to achieve one or more stated purpose [SOURCE: ISO/IEC/IEEE 15288:2015, 4.1.46, modified — The words “combination of” at the beginninghave been removed;
Physical Asset
A physical asset is an item of economic, commercial, or exchange value that has a material existence.Physical assets are also known as tangible assets.For most
How to respond to request for proposal (RFP)
Introduction It can be said that the digitalization of construction began with designers moving from drawing boards to computers. [1] In Architecture, Engineering, Construction and
BS 11000‑2:2017
Collaborative business relationship management systemsPart 2: Guide to implementing BS ISO 44001