Complete information
adjective In Architecture Engineering and Construction (AEC), complete information is information which includes all the necessary and typical parts or elements, lacking nothing. For the
adjective In Architecture Engineering and Construction (AEC), complete information is information which includes all the necessary and typical parts or elements, lacking nothing. For the
Iz The current carrying capacity of a cable under the defined installation conditions. This is the effective rating of the cable after the relevant rating
I2t The energy let-through of a device in A2s. The total amount of energy let through by a protective device for a given level of
The “identification” is ISO 19650 term equivalent to PAS 1192 term ‘naming’
BS EN ISO 29481-1 Building information models – Information delivery manual (IDM) PD ISO/TS 12911:201
the concept that classifies any real-world or imaginary thing that has an individuality that is not dependent on a commonality between things Note 1 to
The industrial IoT (IIoT) forms an integral part of Industry 4.0, and smart manufacturing refers to interconnected sensors, and other input/output devices linked to manufacturing
Industry 4.0 is more than just manufacturing. Smart, connected technologies transform how we design, manufacture, use and maintain parts, products, and entire buildings. The interconnected
conceptual data schema and exchange file format for building information modelling (BIM) data BS EN ISO 23387:2020 In general, IFC, or “Industry Foundation Classes”, is
In the context of BIM and Digital Construction, the term is referred to as institutional and personal inertia to change, one of the most common
reinterpretable representation of data in a formalized manner suitable for communication, interpretation or processing [cited from ISO 19650-1:2018(en), 3.3.1]
ELI5-S1 BIM Basics E12_Information Container explained A persistent set of information retrievable from within a file, system, or application storage hierarchy. [1] named persistent set
Responsible for setup and management of the Common Data Environment (CDE), document submission, RFI and other project document transactions. [Appointment: Lead Appointed Party Information Controller,
It is a term introduced first in PAS 1192 and updated in ISO 19650 framework, it depicts the process of specifying and delivery of project
information delivery manual (IDM) Documentation that captures the business process and specifies in detail the information that a user performing a particular role is required
scheduled event for a predefined information exchange [cited from ISO 19650-2:2018(en),] Milestones act as signposts through the course of a project. An information delivery
verb act of satisfying an information requirement (3.3.2) or part thereof [cited from ISO 19650-1:2018(en), 3.3.7]
Information overload What makes construction management so challenging is the sheer amount of information available, the volume of the data means that we are often
a current state of development of an organisation to utilise information in an advanced strategic manner to increase productivity, measured against an assumed optimal state
set of structured and unstructured information containers (3.3.12) [cited from ISO 19650-1:2018(en), 3.3.8] ISO 19650 framework concentrates specifically on the information model concept, a term that contains
The First Edition of the Building Information Model (BIM) Protocol published in 2013 identifies and puts into place specific obligations, liabilities and associated limitations on
The information needed to support a business or other activity. specification for what, when, how and for whom information (3.3.1) is to be produced [cited from ISO 19650-1:2018(en),
the structures that emphasize, organise and enable social functions. Individual units of infrastructure are known as assets. It is sometimes subcategorised into economic infrastructure, the
A new procurement method coupled up with Integrated Project Insurance model (IPI) is a framework which encourages and empowers project teams to work together. The
Introduction Martin Davis member of the New Models of Construction Procurement (NMCP) Working Group and the Integrated Project Insurance (IPI) mentor describes the Integrated Project
History History’s Professor, Yuval Noah Harari, in his book Homo Sapiens reached a conclusion that humans developed an ability to transmit information about things that
Integrated Project Delivery (IPD) is a collaboration of all parties, systems and practices to optimize and maximize project success. Defined by the American Institute of
The integrated Project Insurance model (IPI) coupled up with Insurance Backed Alliancing is a framework which encourages and empowers project teams to work together. The
Integrated Workplace Management System. Such systems incorporate powerful database capabilities to capture enterprise-level functions and serve as decision support tools at all organizational levels and
a formal description of the rules with which an interaction framework must comply[1] 1 Online Browsing Platform (OBP) [WWW Document], n.d. URL (accessed 4.10.21).
An intermediate event is something that occurs between the beginning and end of a process. Triggers can be “caught” or “thrown” by intermediate events. [1]
Paired link events can also be used as “off-page connectors” in order to print a process across multiple pages. Within the process level, they can
A gateway is a device that controls the divergence and convergence of sequence flows in a process or choreography. As a result, it will determine
A message intermediate event can be used to both send and receive messages. When used to “catch” the message, the event marker must be left
A message intermediate event can be used to both send and receive messages. The event marker must be filled when used to “throw” the message
This phrase refers to networked infrastructures that interconnect physical objects and allow for the management of the data they generate. A typical example of IoT
the ability of two or more systems* to exchange information and to use the information that has been exchanged. definition adapted from the one contained
role that an aspect plays in a relationship with a possessor and that is dependent on the aspect as well as on the possessing object
The ISO 19650 framework is generally aimed for information management. The individual standards do not cover the whole area of quality management but instead point
Framework for building information modelling (BIM) guidance STANDARDS BY ISO/TC 59/SC 13
Ir The adjusted overload rating of an overcurrent protective device, in Amperes.
Prospective Fault Current (Ipf) is the value of overcurrent at a given point in a circuit resulting from a fault of negligible impedance between live
The acronym SMART has been defined by the PAS 1192‑2: 2013 clause 5.1.3. the term means that Information req BS ISO 31000:2018 PAS 11922: 2013
Supporting information shall be used where applicable and relevant to fully understand and evaluate information requirements or acceptance criteria. Supporting information includes but is not