Exchange Information Requirements (EIR)

The Exchange Information Requirements (EIR) term introduced by BS EN 19650 replaces the PAS 1192 term Employer Information Requirements (EIR) on all projects where BS EN ISO 19650 compliance is required. As the AEC industry transitions from PAS 1192 to the BS EN 19650 Framework, the term Exchange Information Requirements (EIR) may cause some confusion. […]

acceptance criteria

evidence required for considering that requirements have been fulfilled [cited from ISO 19650-2:2018(en),] Information issued via the Common Data Environment (CDE) must comply with Project Information Requirements (PIR) outlined within the Responsibility Matrix to form part of project deliverables. As such, all information circulated via the CDE needs to comply with the following: Project […]

Pre-contract BEP

On projects where ISO 19650 Framework has implemented a term, Pre-appointment BEP is used instead of the PAS 1192 term Pre-contract BEP. The meaning is the same, it communicates on the delivery team’s intended approach to the information management process.

Post-contract BEP

This PAS 1192 term has been superseded by ISO 19650 term Post-appointment BEP. It is a BIM Execution Plan (BEP) which shall be re-submitted by the Lead Appointed Party and confirmed by the Task Team and the Appointing Party to demonstrate understanding, agreement and committed to the Exchange Information Requirements. It should be submitted at […]


This is an ISO 19650 term which replaces the PAS1192 term “graphical”. Geometrical is more appropriate to describe spatial positioning and relationships

Level of information need

The term describes the details and amount of information required. It is a framework which defines the extent and granularity of data to be exchanged. The term related to information which is exchanged and delivered throughout the life cycle of built assets Level of information need describes the Exchange Information Requirements (EIR) as part of […]


The PAS1192 term has been replaced by ISO19650 term ‘geometrical’ Geometrical is more appropriate to describe spatial positioning and relationships


This PAS1192 term is equivalent to the ISO19650 term ‘non-geometrical’

BIM Execution Plan (BEP)

The purpose of the BIM Execution Plan (BEP) is to clearly define the actions required of each member of the project team in order to successfully deliver the BIM workflows on the project. BEP shall provide the required project information at both a strategic level, to satisfy the pre-appointment BEP requirements as, and at a […]

CDE area

ELI5-S1: BIM Basics E5: CDE areas and states Area and section imply moving information from one place to another. This is not necessary in a CDE. It is the state of the information container that is important, not where it is stored