
In construction, to rationalise is to attempt to remove, explain or justify irrational quantities, processes or systems or else adjust unreasonable design decisions by employing logic or reason, (behaviour, attitude), even if these are not appropriate.

System of systems

A system of systems is a collection of many different systems, each with its own characteristics. [1] System theory assumes that certain underlying concepts and principles are applicable to different areas, although each field has developed for itself. The main assumption of system theory is that complex systems consist of several smaller systems, and that […]

systems thinking

System thinking is an approach to integration based on the idea that each component or part of a system acts differently when isolated from its environment and other parts of the system. Although the individual systems that make up the systems themselves can be independent and very different, their interactions can reveal and deliver important […]

system of insight

A system of insights can helps your company make decisions, and it is designed to be part of business decision-making process. It involves gather data, use it, find relationships and patterns, apply a solid analytical framework, report on automation and make decisions. [1] S. Jain, “System of Insight Market worth $ 3.4 billion by 2025 […]

ubiquitous access

The modern era of IT has turned to ubiquitous access to all organizations and users. The vision is  to provide one “universal access,” i.e. access to all IT services, regardless of geographical location. This is one of the most important aspects of modern IT, and it is turning to the cloud to provide ubiquitous access […]

System of engagement

The System of Engagement is defined as a platform that manages supported digital engagement, of systems like Browsing, Web Chat, Messaging, videos (Facebook, WhatsApp, TEAMS, ZOOM, Signal, Slack, etc.), various apps like Project Management platforms (PROCORE, BIM360, Aconex, PlanGrid). It is also designed to grow and easily integrate additional APIs for customer engagement. This includes […]

change strategy

Concept of change strategy involves identifying objectives, formulating intervention concepts for change, forming and defining success parameters, and implementing strategies. This includes testing the effectiveness of the changes and their impact on the organisation’s performance. The cycles of small tests, combined with analysis of test results, integrate the learning generated throughout the process, which could […]

Industry 4.0

Industry 4.0 is more than just manufacturing. Smart, connected technologies transform how we design, manufacture, use and maintain parts, products, and entire buildings. The interconnected technology also changes the way organizations use and respond to information to achieve operational goals and continuously improve project team and end-user experience. [1] BIM and Digital Construction should be […]

Post-appointment BEP

Post-appointment BEP confirms and defines the delivery team’s approach to information management in the appointed project. It is a BIM Execution Plan (BEP) which shall be re-submitted by the Lead Appointed Party and confirmed by the Task Team and the Appointing Party to demonstrate understanding, agreement and committed to the Exchange Information Requirements. It should […]


    UK BIM Alliance responding to the inconsistency between current  guidance of CIC BIM Protocol, Second Edition 2018 and ISO 19650 Framework published updated Information protocol to support BS EN ISO 19650-2 the delivery phase of assets (Framework). The publication recognized the need for incorporation of new terms used in contract law, namely : ‘Appointor’ […]