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Back-up Protection

Circuit-breaker manufacturers publish tables showing combinations of pairs of circuitbreakers, one upstream,one downstream,where the downstream device can be used at a location where the prospective

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Basic protection

Protection against electric shock under fault-free conditions;use of barriers,placing out of reach,and so forth.

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Capital delivery phase

Delivery phase [ISO1950] Delivery phase is a simplification of capital/delivery phase without making any assumption about how the project funding is being treated in financial

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Jarek Wityk

Organisational Purpose

A sense of organisational purpose is an essential part of promoting organisational effectiveness, which motivates individuals to do work and create something or justify the

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Parametric behaviour

The parametric behaviour of an object describes whether its shape, position, and orientation are designed to be dependent on other information associated with the object

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PAS 1192-7

The latest message related to PAS 1192-7 is a tweet from Paul Surin is that PAS1192-7 confirming that CPNI and  BSI have agreed to cease

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PAS 14191:2020

Built environment – Management and operation of interconnected construction data dictionaries Specification

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The Publicly Available Specification (PAS) 1192 part two was published in February 2013; the specification was based on existing Code of practice BS 1192 dated

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An element of a BIM strategy which is often overlooked. Clear communication is required as to why and how you intend to implement BIM and

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Permitted Purpose

A submittal state defining the intent or suitability. Permitted Purpose means any purpose related to the Works (and/or (without limitation) the construction, refurbishment, extension, operation,

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Physical Asset

A physical asset is an item of economic, commercial, or exchange value that has a material existence.Physical assets are also known as tangible assets.For most

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Plain Language Questions (PLQ)

The publication of ISO 19650 set of standards replaces use of PLQ and instead introduce the term with exchange information requirements (EIR) and project information

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plan of work

It is a project-specific “digitally checkable” framework set-up to ensure that the deliverables of all contributors are identified and appropriate to the decisions required at

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Point of Adoption

a moment in time where an organisation’s readiness, change into organisational capability/maturity Macro-BIM adoption: Conceptual structures Bilal Succar Mohamad Kassem Tweet The Point of Adoption

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A pool is a graphical representation of a collaboration participant. A pool serves as a container for the sequence flows that occur between activities (of

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Post-appointment BEP

Post-appointment BEP confirms and defines the delivery team’s approach to information management in the appointed project. It is a BIM Execution Plan (BEP) which shall

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Post-contract BEP

This PAS 1192 term has been superseded by ISO 19650 term Post-appointment BEP. It is a BIM Execution Plan (BEP) which shall be re-submitted by

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Power factor

Power factor is the ratio of the resistance (R) and impedance (Z) in a circuit, that is:Power factor = cos ∅ =R/Z

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Pre-appointment BEP

Pre-appointment BEPs communicates the delivery team’s intended approach to the information management process in the project, it is submitted as part of the prospective Lead

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Pre-contract BEP

On projects where ISO 19650 Framework has implemented a term, Pre-appointment BEP is used instead of the PAS 1192 term Pre-contract BEP. The meaning is

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pre-design process

construction process (3.3.2) determining construction properties (3.5.1) for the built environment (3.1.7) before it is designed[1] 1 Online Browsing Platform (OBP) [WWW Document], n.d. URL (accessed 4.10.21).

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Problem Solving Process

ELI5-S2: BIM in Practice E7: problem solving process explained Understanding the Problem-Solving Process Effective problem-solving is at the heart of success in any field. Drawing

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set of interrelated or interacting activities that transforms inputs into outputs [SOURCE: ISO 9000:2005, definition 3.4.1 (without notes)] ISO 14040:2006(en), 3.11 It is a PAS1192 term replaced

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Product Data Definition

A Product Data Definition (PDD) document intended to provide a consistent methodology for the definition, creation, management and sharing of product information throughout the life

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Product Data Template (PDT)

The document aimed to be used by manufacturers and consumers where information about a product, is collated in a standardised and structured way. The information

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Project BIM Coordinator

Responsible, during the design stages, for executing, managing and running clash detection of the federated Project Information Model (PIM), and federating and QA reviewing the

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Project Committee (PC)

a Project Committee (PC), which is created to develop one standard, after which it is disbanded.

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Project delivery team

In respect of asset lifetime PAS 1192-2:2013, describes one project delivery team, the term is connected with word ‘contract’ meaning one or many companies or

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Project Information Manager

Responsible for extraction, review, coordination and reporting of data within the native and federated models as well as associated project databases throughout the project stages

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Project Information Standards

Project Information standards shall be covered within the BIM Execution Plan (BEP). Standards         In line with BIM Goals and Uses to ensure continuity that information

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Project setup

During project setup phase It is essential to establish and analyse a timeline that guides the entire team in delivering the project on time. Thus

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Jarek Wityk

Project Team

All parties appointed for the project are defined as members of the Project Team. Each function can be fulfilled by either an individual or multiple

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algorithm that generates an interaction schema from an interaction framework, interaction framework schema, and templates file as input [1] 1 Online Browsing Platform (OBP) [WWW

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inherent or acquired feature of an item[SOURCE: BS ISO 6707-1:2017,] NOTE Examples include thermal efficiency, heat flow, sound reduction index and acoustic power level.PAS

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Jarek Wityk


Information accepted by the nominated party, in which case it will be suitable for tender or construction (2D model output only). Such that the ‘Published’

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having a definite objective and strong desire to achieve it In the context of BIM, it describes a people-centric transformation, regarding information as an asset

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