
History of project information, such that any non-current published information in the published area should move into this area. New parties to the project will receive an invitation to join the CDE through the project Document Controller, once registered User Guides and System Protocols can be accessed via the navigation tree. [source] PDE 4301 Technical […]
Model Upload Workflow
3D models shall be synchronized with the central cloud model after daily work is done to ensure the rest of the project team are coordinating with the latest information. All necessary steps should be taken before upload to ensure effective collaboration and that no misrepresentations of information occur. These include but are not limited to: […]
Clash Detection
Clash detection, coordination analysis and data checks shall be carried out by the BIM Coordinators against the latest shared models. The workflows involve a combination of visual and automated checks which are curated into issues and reported back to the team via an online Issue Management System. A detailed appraisal of the Lead Appointed Party […]
4D Modeling
4D Modelling also referred to as 4D BIM, when supported by existing planning techniques, can improve project delivery times and schedules. To make the gains possible, all project members must understand and engage in the exchange of information process to reduce cycle times required to develop the BIM model and a new design. 4D Modelling […]
Builders work in connection (BWIC)
Coordination of Builders work in connection to services i.e. openings in walls or floors for MEP Services It is anticipated that as a minimum, all builders work openings of 50x50mm (or 50mm diameter) or higher will be captured in the model, scheduled from the model and represented on the 2D drawings derived from the model, […]
A workset is a collection of elements in a work shared Revit project. The purpose of worksets is to enable multiple users to work on the same project and facilitate collaboration by subdividing building elements in a project. The organisation of worksets is essential for updating, maintenance and review of models. It should be organised […]
Periodic Model Quality Control Checks
Apart from the weekly model coordination effort that focuses on spatial coordination and clash resolution, the Appointment BIM Manager should review all disciplines project models and ensure compliance with BEP and BIM Standard. Periodic, i.e. weekly or bi-weekly model review and comments should be forwarded to each BIM coordinator for their follow up. Table 1 […]
Information Protocol
The First Edition of the Building Information Model (BIM) Protocol published in 2013 identifies and puts into place specific obligations, liabilities and associated limitations on the use of the Building Information Models, unfortunately at the first version of the protocol did not contain any specific framework for Cyber Security. In May 2015 British Standard Institution […]
Stage 2 Maturity
BIM at Maturity Stage 2 according to the ISO 19650 Framework is “the use of a shared digital representation of a built asset to facilitate design, construction and operation workflows to form a reliable basis for decisions”[1]. The concept of sharing information in a BIM workflow allows project parties to have access and use digital […]
Pre-appointment BEP
Pre-appointment BEPs communicates the delivery team’s intended approach to the information management process in the project, it is submitted as part of the prospective Lead Appointed Party tender response. For more information see BIM Execution Plan (BEP)