BS ISO 22263:2008
Organization of information about construction works Framework for management of project information
physical structure (asset) or installation, including related site, works, serving one or more main purposeNOTE: Typically, a facility will require management over part or all of its life cycle. The term “facility” in BS 8536 is often used to refer to buildings or complexes, encompassing the physical structure and the services required to support its […]
structure of processes and specifications designed to support the accomplishment of a specific task[ISO/IEEE 11073-10201:2004, definition 3.22] PD ISO/TS 12911:2012
IDM standard
BS EN ISO 29481-1 Building information models – Information delivery manual (IDM) PD ISO/TS 12911:201
data template
schema providing a data structure used to describe the properties of objects NOTE The relevant scope of the data template should be used together with the term “data template”. E.g. a data template for a product should be named “product data template”. A data template for a system should be named “system data template”, etc. […]
delta exchange
exchange of only changed information between two synonymous sources PAS 14191:2020

ELI5-S1: BIM Basics E6: Metadata explained Understanding Metadata in Building Information Modeling (BIM) Metadata provides critical information about an item’s content, making it easier to locate and work with specific data instances. For example, an image’s metadata might include details such as color depth, resolution, and creation date. Similarly, a text document’s metadata can contain […]
inherent or acquired feature of an item[SOURCE: BS ISO 6707-1:2017,] NOTE Examples include thermal efficiency, heat flow, sound reduction index and acoustic power level.PAS 14191:2020
Detail Maturity
Scale of the amount graphical detail
Information Maturity
a current state of development of an organisation to utilise information in an advanced strategic manner to increase productivity, measured against an assumed optimal state