Plain Language Questions (PLQ)
The publication of ISO 19650 set of standards replaces use of PLQ and instead introduce the term with exchange information requirements (EIR) and project information requirements (PIR). Project information requirements (PIR) PLQ and PIR are both expressions of the high-level information needed by the client and/or their stakeholders to make key decisions concerning the project. […]
Permitted Purpose
A submittal state defining the intent or suitability. Permitted Purpose means any purpose related to the Works (and/or (without limitation) the construction, refurbishment, extension, operation, management and/or maintenance of the Works) which is consistent with:(a) the applicable Level of Information Need of the relevant Material;(b) the applicable status code of the Material and the information […]
A state used to approve information for the permitted-purpose
results to be achieved The objective can be strategic or operational; it can relate to different disciplines such as financial, health and safety, or environmental. The targeted results can be strategic, organisation or, project-wide, or relate to a product or process The intended outcome can be expressed as a purpose, an operational principle, or asset […]
confirmation, through the provision of objective evidence, that specified requirements have beenfulfilled [SOURCE: BS EN 17412‑1:2020] Verification is the process of checking that the product/service meets the specification, it will help to determine whether the product/service is of high quality, but the verification process will not confirm that the system is useful.
BS EN ISO 19011:2018
Guidelines for auditing management systems (ISO 19011:2018)
BS ISO IEC 33020:2019
Information technology—Process assessment Process measurement framework for assessment of process capability
change strategy
Concept of change strategy involves identifying objectives, formulating intervention concepts for change, forming and defining success parameters, and implementing strategies. This includes testing the effectiveness of the changes and their impact on the organisation’s performance. The cycles of small tests, combined with analysis of test results, integrate the learning generated throughout the process, which could […]
Business goals
Business goals drive organisational outcomes, helping to keep the focus on the company’s important short and long term priorities. The goals must be defined, understood, tracked, analysed, and measured to realise the possible gain. [1] One of the tools which can help to communicate company’s goals is to prepare a mission statement, which is a […]
Periodic Model Quality Control Checks
Apart from the weekly model coordination effort that focuses on spatial coordination and clash resolution, the Appointment BIM Manager should review all disciplines project models and ensure compliance with BEP and BIM Standard. Periodic, i.e. weekly or bi-weekly model review and comments should be forwarded to each BIM coordinator for their follow up. Table 1 […]