Life Safety Generator – selection guide A Life Safety Generator must meet stringent fire safety and power resilience criteria. BS 8519:2020 provides key recommendations, including: Independent Primary & Secondary Power
Grouping rating factor used for calculatingminimum required cable size. For cables installed in air, values for this factor are given BS7671:2018,Tables4C1,4C4,4C6.For ground installations, values are given in Table4C2. Grouping a
The rating factor Cc = 0.9 is applied to cable sizing calculations for cables installed in the ground (Installation Methods 70 to 73). See BS7671:2018,Appendix 4,Sections3,4 and 5.1.1.
The PAS1192 term has been replaced by ISO19650 term ‘geometrical’ Geometrical is more appropriate to describe spatial positioning and relationships
Purpose: Must have clear purpose Public good Must be used to deliver genuine public benefit in perpetuity Value creation Must enable value creation and performance improvement Insight Must provide determinable
globally unique identifier (GUID) its a unique object identifier that guarantees its uniqueness throughout its entire life unique, the identifier is usually generated using an algorithm a unique identifier generated
The total area of buildings owned, occupied, or maintained, measured to the internal face of the perimeter walls at each floor level, is referred to as GIA (i.e. the footprint
A geographic information system (GIS) is a framework for gathering, managing, and analyzing data. Rooted in the science of geography, GIS integrates many types of data. It analyzes spatial location
Global Trade Item Number (GTIN) identifier for trade items used to look up product information in a database GS1 [1] 1 Online Browsing Platform (OBP) [WWW Document], n.d. URL
A BIM is said to be geo-referenced when the BIM is located with respect to one of the standard geographic survey coordinate grids established to represent locations on the Earth’s
The (digital by default) record of predefined documents and building information required to ensure that the original design intent and any subsequent building changes are captured, preserved, and used to
[XOR] When splitting, directs the sequence flow to one of the outgoing branches. When merging, it waits for one incoming branch to finish before starting the outgoing flow.[1] Symbol
[And] When used to split the sequence flow, all outgoing branches are activated at the same time. When parallel branches are merged, it waits for all incoming branches to complete
[Or] When a branch splits, one or more branches are activated. Before merging, all active incoming branches must be completed.[1] Symbol 1] Silver, B. (2009). BPMN Method and Style: A
Because a group is not an activity or a flow object, it cannot connect to sequence or message flows. Furthermore, groups are not constrained by pool and lane restrictions. [1]