description of a set of objects that share the same characteristics Note 1 to entry: The characteristics may be embodied by the use of properties, operations, methods, relations, semantics, etc.Note 2 to entry: Each class is a hierarchical element of a classification. [SOURCE: ISO 22274:2013, 3.4, modified — Note 2 to entry has been added.]BS […]
enumerated type value
data type consisting of a set of named values called elements, members, enumeral, or enumerators ofthe type
Product Data Template (PDT)
The document aimed to be used by manufacturers and consumers where information about a product, is collated in a standardised and structured way. The information is structured in the form of relational properties which can be connected to other data which can be automatically analysed for quality control, therefore being both machine and human-readable.
BS ISO 16354:2013
Guidelines for knowledge libraries and object libraries
BS 8541-1:2012
Library objects for architecture, engineering and constructionPart 1: Identification and classification – Code of practice Note: ISO 22014 and ISO 22057 are under development tosupersede BS 8541, parts 1-6.
BS 8541-2:2011
Library objects for architecture, engineering and construction Part 2: Recommended 2D symbols of building elements for use in building information modelling Note: ISO 22014 and ISO 22057 are under development tosupersede BS 8541, parts 1-6.
BS 8541-3:2012
Library objects for architecture, engineering and construction Part 3: Shape and measurement – Code of practice Note: ISO 22014 and ISO 22057 are under development tosupersede BS 8541, parts 1-6.
BS 8541-4:2012
Library objects for architecture, engineering and construction Part 4: Attributes for specification and assessment – Code of practice Note: ISO 22014 and ISO 22057 are under development tosupersede BS 8541, parts 1-6.
BS 8541-5:2015
Library objects for architecture, engineering and construction Part 5: Assemblies – Code of practice Note: ISO 22014 and ISO 22057 are under development tosupersede BS 8541, parts 1-6.