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Appointed Party context of information exchange

ELI5-S2: BIM in Practice E6: Appointed Party context of information exchange

Understanding the Appointed Party (T2-T4) Context of Information Exchange in BIM

Welcome to the final instalment of our ELI5-S2 BIM in Practice Context of Information Exchange series, where we simplify complex BIM concepts for easy understanding.

In this post, we focus on the context of information exchange from the perspective of the Appointed Party (T2-T4).

To illustrate the key responsibilities and concerns of the Tier2-to-Tier4 Appointed Parties, we’ve created a storyboard that visually represents these concepts.

You can view the storyboard in the carousel at the top of this page. Here, we will elaborate on each point.

Key Responsibilities of the Appointed Party (T2-T4)

Partial PIM Data Requests

The client often only asks for part of the Project Information Model (PIM) data, which can lead to incomplete data sets and potential miscommunications and lots of waste.

Existing AIM Sharing

Sharing existing Asset Information Model (AIM) data helps the Appointed Party deliver a more accurate and complete PIM, improving overall project quality – this is applicable to refurbishment projects.

Digital Workflow Breakdowns

Digital workflows can sometimes break down, particularly when they do not take into account the specific needs of T2-T4 parties. This can cause delays and errors in information exchange.

Task Information Delivery Plan (TIDP)

TIDP is an integral part of the Information Delivery Plan (IDP). The Appointed Party (T2-T4) is responsible for providing the TIDP to ensure clear communication and expectations.

Ambiguity Without TIDP

When a TIDP is missing, it leads to ambiguity in the scope of work and responsibilities, making it challenging to ensure all project requirements are met.

Expectations of TIDP

Interestingly, while the TIDP is crucial, it is often not expected by the Appointing Party, who only need the MIDP.

Ensuring PIM Data and IDP

Ensuring that PIM data and the IDP are in place is critical for project success. These components help define the scope and responsibilities clearly, leading to a more efficient project workflow.


By understanding the project through the Appointed Party lens, we can better manage the challenges faced in BIM projects. This perspective is crucial for improving the efficiency and success of information management in construction projects.

We hope this storyboard and blog post have helped you better understand the T2-T4 roles in BIM. For more insights and updates, stay tuned to our blog and continue exploring our ELI5-S2 BIM in Practice series.

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