TT system
A system having one point of the source of energy directly earthed, the exposedconductive-parts of the installation being connected to earth electrodes electrically independent of
A system having one point of the source of energy directly earthed, the exposedconductive-parts of the installation being connected to earth electrodes electrically independent of
A system having one or more points of the source of energy directly earthed, the exposedconductive-parts of the installation being connected to that point by
Where circuits are grouped, there are two availablemethods of calculating the rating factor Cg to be applied: [BS7671:2018,Appendix 4,5.1.2:Equation 2] [BS7671:2018,Appendix 4,5.1.2:Equation 3,4]
Relates to the ability of the soil, in which the cable is installed, to conduct heat energy away from the cable. The rating factor Cs
AResidual Current Device (RCD) is amechanical switching device or association of devices intended to cause the opening of the contacts when the residual current* attains
Rating factors are divided into the nominal rating of the circuit protective device (In) to determine theminimum current-carrying capacity (Iz) of a cable in a
Value of current used for specification purposes,established for a specified set of operating conditions.
Power factor is the ratio of the resistance (R) and impedance (Z) in a circuit, that is:Power factor = cos ∅ =R/Z
Themaximum value of earth fault loop impedance (Zs) that will allow the protective device in a circuit to disconnect an earth fault within the prescribed
Factors for conductor materials from BS7671:2018,Table43.1. Different values are given for different types of conductor and insulatingmaterials. k2s2 used in adiabatic calculations gives the short-time