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term introduced first in PAS 1192 and updated in ISO 19650 framework, it depicts the process of specifying and delivery of project and asset information

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forms a framework that supports informed and consistent decision making by project teams, at each work stage, helping to deliver agreed and reliable information.

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Exchange Information Requirements (EIR) term introduced by BS EN 19650 replace the PAS 1192 term Employer Information Requirements (EIR) on all projects where BS EN ISO 19650 compliance is required.

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The term introduced by ISO 19650 typically describes the Tier 1 Main Contractor.

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breakdown structure to help plan the production of information

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schedule of information containers and delivery dates, for a specific task team

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An MPDT its old PAS 1192 term, the MPDT defines who produces what, when and to what level of detail.

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BIM Execution Plan (BEP)

The purpose of the BIM Execution Plan (BEP) is to clearly define the actions required of each member of the project team in order to successfully deliver the BIM workflows on the project.

BEP shall provide the required project information at both a strategic level, to satisfy the pre-appointment BEP requirements as, and at a technical level to satisfy the post-appointment BEP requirements as defined by BS EN ISO 19650-2:2018.

At the Strategic level, it responds to the EIR. It defines the BIM strategic requirements for the project and the methodology for delivering the project using BIM.

At a technical level, this BEP provides the technical requirements for delivering the project using BIM and defines the specific workflows required to do so.

BEP shall be used at the tender stage to confirm the Lead Appointed Party’s offer to the client (Appointing Party) and to form the basis for tendering the BIM requirements from a delivery team.

Post tender BEP should provide a clear guide that informs and directs consultants, contractors and appointed parties as to the BIM workflows, standards and deliverables of the project, and will be included in the trade contractor and consultant agreements.

Throughout the project, the BEP document should be continually developed, monitored and updated by the Lead Appointed Party BIM Manager as consultants and subcontractors are appointed.

The document shall be submitted as part of the prospective Lead Appointed Party tender bid and shall represent the baseline offer for BIM deliverables, which will not change during these iterations unless instructed or negotiated otherwise.

Revisions to BEP shall be agreed upon in consultation with the appropriate BIM contributors before re-issue.

All appointed parties must refer to BEP to understand the requirements and their specific obligations to deliver the BIM workflows.

All task teams are required to have completed the Lead Appointed Party BIM Capability & Capacity Assessment. The responses should be assessed against the project requirements, and where further upskilling/training is required to fulfil the appointment requirements, the Lead Appointed Party shall assist in organising training where required. Advice and guidance can be provided by the Lead Appointed Party BIM team; these requirements shall be discussed and agreed upon with the relevant party and recorded in the Training, Hardware and Software Requirements schedule.

Also, the CV’s of all members of each organisation’s delivery team shall be provided as part of their tender return alongside an overview of the team’s organisational structure for review by the Lead Appointed Party BIM team.

Before finalisation of the post-appointment BEP, sub-contractors are to provide their Task Information Delivery Plan (TIDP) detailing all deliverables and lead-in times in line with their contractual obligations; this shall be incorporated into the Master Information Delivery Plan (MIDP) which shall be updated and revised throughout the project lifecycle.

The BEP shall define how the geometrical and non-geometrical modelling requirements of the appointment will be carried out by answering the following points:

  1. How the information is created, managed, and delivered?
  2. Why is the information created defining its BIM uses in the project?
  3. By whom is the information created, stating who is the originator of each information container?
  4. When is the information created, and how is it managed and shared?

Moreover, the BEP shall clarify the federation strategy and define the key deliverables to each element stipulated by appointment. The BEP also shall allow the delivery team to propose additions and amendments to methods and procedures required for effective project information products as well as amendments related to the project information standard the team intends to adopt.

The BIM Execution Plan (BEP) is also referred to as: Information delivery plan in BS EN ISO 19650‑1 used as a generic term for any plan in support of information delivery.

[source] PDE 4301 Technical BIM Management 2019/2020, BIM EXECUTION PLAN, SUP-GPF-XX-XX-SP-W-0001, Post-appointment BEP, Grat To King Yeung, Jarek Wityk, Mike Sealey, Tala Damra, Viorel Mihailuc, Willow Williams

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