Thank you #willmottdixon team at our London Southbank University project for the #opportunity to participate in the #BIM & #digitalconstruction campaign!
Industry 4.0 in AEC, means to me a decentralized connection between the physical space and the cyberspace through global connectivity.
Exchange Information Requirements (EIR) term introduced by BS EN 19650 replace the PAS 1192 term Employer Information Requirements (EIR) on all projects where BS EN ISO 19650 compliance is required.
The term introduced by ISO 19650 typically describes the Tier 1 Main Contractor.
breakdown structure to help plan the production of information
schedule of information containers and delivery dates, for a specific task team
An MPDT its old PAS 1192 term, the MPDT defines who produces what, when and to what level of detail.
Thank you #willmottdixon team at our London Southbank University project for the #opportunity to participate in the #BIM & #digitalconstruction campaign!