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Overload rating (Ir)
Ir The adjusted overload rating of an overcurrent protective device, in Amperes.
Built Environment
All forms of buildings (residential, industrial, commercial, hospitals, schools), all economic infrastructure (above and below ground) and the urban space and landscape between and around buildings and infrastructure3, as well
Federated Information Model
Computer science and IT In the fields of computer science and information technology, a federated information model refers to a structure where data is stored across multiple independent systems but can
Ambient temperature
The temperature of the free air surrounding a cable,or in the case of cables installed in the ground, the temperature of the surrounding soil.For an enclosed method such as ‘In
Specialist BIM Manager / Coordinator
The Specialist BIM Coordinator duties will reflect those for the Project BIM Coordinator but will be specific for discipline or trade-specific models and data deliverables. Responsible for checking, reviewing and
A sub-process is a group of activities that are performed as part of a larger process or choreography. It is compound in the sense that it can be broken down
That part of the earth fault loop impedance which is external to the circuit under consideration. For the supply cable it will be the impedance external to the installation. For
Rated current
Value of current used for specification purposes,established for a specified set of operating conditions.
degree to which a product, system or information provides functions that meet stated and implied needs when used under specified conditions [cited from: ISO/IEC 25010:2011(en), 4.2.1, added word ‘information’] appropriateness
security breach
infraction or violation of security (3.7) [1] 1 Online Browsing Platform (OBP) [WWW Document], n.d. URL (accessed 4.10.21).
Current carrying capacity of a cable (Iz)
Iz The current carrying capacity of a cable under the defined installation conditions. This is the effective rating of the cable after the relevant rating factors have been applied, i.e.,Ca,

federation strategy
ELI5-S1: BIM Basics E4: Federation Strategy Explained The purpose of the federation strategy and the Information Container (model) breakdown structure is to help plan the production of information by separate
Project Committee (PC)
a Project Committee (PC), which is created to develop one standard, after which it is disbanded.
Project BIM Coordinator
Responsible, during the design stages, for executing, managing and running clash detection of the federated Project Information Model (PIM), and federating and QA reviewing the Asset Information Model (AIM) for
Unified Cloud Platform (UCP)
A unified cloud platform (UCP) has been introduced to facilitate the integration of multiple cloud services into a single cloud environment. The UCP is essentially a cloud management multi-platform that
Management of duplicates
The procedure to remove duplicate properties shall be carried out on the relevant attributes. The management of duplicates cannot be fully automated. BS EN ISO 23386:2020
Appointed party
The appointed party term introduced in BS EN ISO 19650 it is meant to replace PAS 1192 term ‘Supplier’ Typically it means Tier 2 and below Contractors Who can become
UK BIM Framework (roadmap)
UK BIM Framework roadmap! Almost three years have passed since the first BS EN ISO19650-1 standard was published.A lot of work has been done; some people are upset about the
Ambient temperature rating factor (Ca)
Ambient temperature rating factor used for calculating theminimum required cable size. For cables installed in air, values for this factor are given in BS7671:2018 Table4B1.For ground installations, values are given

How to respond to request for proposal (RFP)
Introduction It can be said that the digitalization of construction began with designers moving from drawing boards to computers. [1] In Architecture, Engineering, Construction and Operation (ACEO), the focus has
Required Standard
means the level of skill and care applicable to the Party’s equivalent obligation under the Appointment. [1] [1] UK BIM Framework, 2020. Information protocol to support BS EN ISO 19650-2
Stage 2 Maturity
BIM at Maturity Stage 2 according to the ISO 19650 Framework is “the use of a shared digital representation of a built asset to facilitate design, construction and operation workflows
National Annex (NA)
With reference to BS EN ISO 19650 Framework, the working group could not conclude on international codification and standardised conventions. Hence Paul Shillcock and David Churcher, the lead authors, came
BS EN ISO 23387:2020
Building information modelling (BIM) — Data templates for construction objects used in the life cycle of built assets Concepts and principles
The opposite of value. There are eight basic types of waste: motion waiting transportation of goods over-processing under utilization overproduction inventory defects [1] [1] The Massachusetts Port Authority, 2015. BIM
Uninterruptible power supply (UPS)
An uninterruptible power supply (UPS) is used to maintain the supply to an essential service duringmains supply outages. On loss ofmains supply,a storage device in the UPS (battery) continues to
Pre-contract BEP
On projects where ISO 19650 Framework has implemented a term, Pre-appointment BEP is used instead of the PAS 1192 term Pre-contract BEP. The meaning is the same, it communicates on

BS EN ISO 19650-2 UK National Annex (NA) 2021 status and suitability reference table
BS EN ISO 19650-2 2018, NA 02/2021 Status Code Suitability Action by Information State (at any project stage): Work in progress (WIP) S0 Information developed within a task team [C],
Insurance Backed Alliancing
A new procurement method coupled up with Integrated Project Insurance model (IPI) is a framework which encourages and empowers project teams to work together. The procurement method introduced by Constructing Excellence
End Event
An end event denotes the point at which a process’s path will come to an end. End events can only result in a “throw” of a result.[1] Symbol 1] Silver,
Integrated Workplace Management System
Integrated Workplace Management System. Such systems incorporate powerful database capabilities to capture enterprise-level functions and serve as decision support tools at all organizational levels and throughout the whole building lifecycle.
Consumer Unit
Atype of single-phase board for the control and distribution of electrical energy, principally in domestic premises. In the ProDesign software,a consumer unit (CU) can be split into three sections,each with
Gateway (Exclusive)
[XOR] When splitting, directs the sequence flow to one of the outgoing branches. When merging, it waits for one incoming branch to finish before starting the outgoing flow.[1] Symbol

information delivery milestone
scheduled event for a predefined information exchange [cited from ISO 19650-2:2018(en),] Milestones act as signposts through the course of a project. An information delivery milestone is a point in
TT system
A system having one point of the source of energy directly earthed, the exposedconductive-parts of the installation being connected to earth electrodes electrically independent of the earth electrodes of the
having a definite objective and strong desire to achieve it In the context of BIM, it describes a people-centric transformation, regarding information as an asset

Young Person
The term “Young Person” in the context of construction, Building Information Modeling (BIM), electrical engineering, or general engineering typically refers to a younger individual, often a recent graduate or entry-level
The blockchain is a transaction database shared by all nodes involved in the system based on the Bitcoin protocol. It is a data structure consisting of linked blocks (e.g. confirmed
Fabrication Model
Digital Model(s) created from shop drawings to support fabrication and installation. Fabrication models are reviewed and approved by the A/E for conformance to design specifications.1 1 The Massachusetts Port Authority,
Start Event
A start event specifies where a process will begin. Start events can only react when a trigger is “caught.” Symbol 9). BPMN Method and Style: A levels-based methodology for BPM
intrinsic aspect
role that an aspect plays in a relationship with a possessor and that is dependent on the aspect as well as on the possessing object Note 1 to entry: Typically the
Assignment matrix
Responsibility matrix [ISO19650] In ISO 19650 there is a principle to develop responsibility matrices to cover information management activities and information delivery. Responsibility matrix [PAS1192] The former is illustrated as
Capital delivery phase
Delivery phase [ISO1950] Delivery phase is a simplification of capital/delivery phase without making any assumption about how the project funding is being treated in financial accounting
built asset
individual or multiple buildings (e.g. a site or campus) or infrastructure (e.g. roads, railways, pipelines, dams, docks, etc.) built as part of a construction project or where the asset information
major change
change that affects the meaning, function or intended useNOTE Definition applies to properties and groups of properties.PAS 14191:2020
Quality Assurance (QA)
Quality assurance (QA) is the action or process of verification that a requirement in terms of quality is being met. Managing the quality involves planning, establishing a workflow for fulfilling,
Cost Led Procurement
A procurement method introduced by Constructing Excellence and the Cabinet Office intended to allow industry to use its experience and knowledge to develop innovative solutions through leveraging design, materials, subcontracting, direct labour
Computer aided facility management (CAFM)
Originally coined in the 60s, The acronym has become a catch-all for a wide range of Facilities Management platforms and software. A CAFM system can be broadly defined as a collaborative,
Gross Internal Area (GIA)
The total area of buildings owned, occupied, or maintained, measured to the internal face of the perimeter walls at each floor level, is referred to as GIA (i.e. the footprint