Organisational Purpose

A sense of organisational purpose is an essential part of promoting organisational effectiveness, which motivates individuals to do work and create something or justify the existence of something.  

Cooperation is more productive when people feel connected. A perceived purpose is a strong incentive to achieve common objectives that can help motivate individuals through uncertainty periods. [1]

When people work toward a goal they believe in, they are more likely to work together to achieve that goal. If the team members recognise the value of their work, they will cooperate within a team. This willing cooperation can be achieved with a sense of the importance of the project or organisation; it helps to recognise the importance of the work as an individual. [2]

Once the organisation establishes its purpose, the success or failure of the organisational effectiveness can be realised only when the expected outcome communicated as a purpose, an operational goal, or management objective is recorded measured and analysed.

Therefore, the purpose should be consistent with the overreaching organisational objectives, clearly defined in the asset management policy so its intended function can be quantified and evaluated.

A sense of purpose is the human ability to believe in stories that, according to history’s Professor, Yuval Noah, improve cooperation between many individuals. [3]

[1]        L. Kohler, “The psychology of effective collaboration | scarlettabbott,” BEHAVIOURAL SCIENCE, Apr. 15, 2020. (accessed Jan. 08, 2021).

[2]        D. Roe, “7 Obstacles to Enterprise Collaboration and How to Fix Them,” CMS WiRE, Oct. 03, 2018. (accessed Jan. 09, 2021).

[3]        Y. N. Harari, Sapiens : a brief history of humankind. Penguin Random House UK, 2011.

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