Identifier indicating the characteristic of an element of information for which at all times a value can be established. Word status has been included in ISO 19650 Framework meant to replace word suitability The terms Status & Suitability are equivalent, as both define the permitted uses of information. BS 1192 also uses the term “status” […]
Appointed party
The appointed party term introduced in BS EN ISO 19650 it is meant to replace PAS 1192 term ‘Supplier’ Typically it means Tier 2 and below Contractors Who can become an Appointed party? UK BIM Alliance responding to the inconsistency between current guidance of CIC BIM Protocol, Second Edition 2018 and ISO 19650 Framework […]
The term ‘workflow’ is used in ISO 19650 instead of the PAS 1192 term ‘process’.
The term naming in PAS 1192 is related to information container naming strategy, in ISO 19650 the therm is replaced by term ‘identification’ meaning remains the same
The “identification” is ISO 19650 term equivalent to PAS 1192 term ‘naming’
Information delivery cycle
It is a term introduced first in PAS 1192 and updated in ISO 19650 framework, it depicts the process of specifying and delivery of project and asset information summarised in ISO 19650-1 Figure 11 — Overview and illustration of the information management process Main characteristics of ISO 19650 information management process Information is needed for […]
Level of model development
Level of model maturity [ISO*] *Term based on experience. does not form part of ISO
Project Information Requirements (PIR)
Project Information Requirements (PIR) its a BS EN ISO 19650 term introduced to replace the PAS 1192 term Plain language questions (PLQ) PLQ and PIR are both expressions of the high-level information needed by the client and/or their stakeholders to make key decisions concerning the project. The PIR, like the PLQ, are used to develop […]

Building Information Modelling (BIM)[1] broadly describes the processes employed during digital information management related to a built asset such as a building, bridge, highway or tunnel. ISO 19650 outlines a framework for the management of information during the life cycle of a built asset using better information management. While the term ‘Building Information Modeling (BIM)’ […]
buildingSMART Data Dictionary
PD 19650‑0:2019 In short, the BuildingSMART Data Dictionary is a library for everything to do with the building. NumberName is an int key and string value that can be stored in number names. In the dictionary, you can use zero objects as keys and values, in the dictionary data field as values