a current state of development of an organisation to utilise information in an advanced strategic manner to increase productivity, measured against an assumed optimal state
A submittal state defining the intent or suitability. Permitted Purpose means any purpose related to the Works (and/or (without limitation) the construction, refurbishment, extension, operation,
An MPDT its old PAS 1192 term, the MPDT defines who produces what, when and to what level of detail. The recent publication of ISO
Digital Plan Of Work (DPoW) forms a framework that supports informed and consistent decision making by project teams, at each work stage, helping to deliver
Tools that help design, develop, deliver, and maintain the built asset. You may require a number of different enabling tools for specific tasks and functions. https://www.thenbs.com/knowledge//periodic-table-of-bim
An element of a BIM strategy which is often overlooked. Clear communication is required as to why and how you intend to implement BIM and
a plan of action designed to achieve a long-term or overall aim. Definitions from Oxford Languages Required to define and understand what your company is
a person who designs and superintends the carrying out of civil engineering works, structures of buildings, installation of services, or who maintains such civil engineering works, structures or services https://www.iso.org/obp/ui#iso:std:iso:6707:-2:ed-3:v1:en:term:3.8.25