This is an ISO 19650 term which replaces the PAS1192 term “graphical”. Geometrical is more appropriate to describe spatial positioning and relationships
This is an ISO 19650 term which replaces the PAS1192 term “graphical”. Geometrical is more appropriate to describe spatial positioning and relationships
The term describes the details and amount of information required. It is a framework which defines the extent and granularity of data to be exchanged.
The PAS1192 term has been replaced by ISO19650 term ‘geometrical’ Geometrical is more appropriate to describe spatial positioning and relationships
The purpose of the BIM Execution Plan (BEP) is to clearly define the actions required of each member of the project team in order to
Delivery phase [ISO1950] Delivery phase is a simplification of capital/delivery phase without making any assumption about how the project funding is being treated in financial
ELI5-S1: BIM Basics E5: CDE areas and states Area and section imply moving information from one place to another. This is not necessary in a
ELI5-S1: BIM Basics E5: CDE areas and states This term replaces the ‘CDE area’ PAS 1192 term, the idea is the location of the information
Transition [ISO19650] Transition is used to denote change (in the state of the information container)