the concept that classifies any real-world or imaginary thing that has an individuality that is not dependent on a commonality between things

Note 1 to entry: This standard is about kinds of things that are defined as commonalities between things, defined by the constraints on aspects or ranges of values for aspects of individual things. Those kinds of things can be used to classify individual things or to derive constraining aspects for individual things.
The concept that classifies all those individual things is called ‘individual thing’. The concept ‘individual thing’ is the supertype of all kinds of individual things.

EXAMPLE: Well-known individual things are: the earth, the Eiffel Tower, New York, my car, V-6060 in the Shell Pernis refinery. However, the planet, tower, city, car, vessel, and refinery are not individual things, but kinds of things.[1]

1 Online Browsing Platform (OBP) [WWW Document], n.d. URL (accessed 4.10.21).

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