A plan for the Mobilization of the Delivery Team’s resources in accordance with the Information Standard which is contained in the Appointment or, if no Mobilization Plan is contained in the Appointment, which was included in the Appointee’s tender response, as may be identified in the Information Particulars. [1]
After the appointment and before the delivery phase can begin, the organisation must assess their supply chain availability and gain time for their supply chain to mobilise and maintain shared resources readiness for a trigger event as depicted in Figure 1. This workflow shall be managed by the Appointing Party or the Lead Appointed Party to employ Task Team (at each appointment) and each time a new project team is appointed.
This phase of the project delivery process must be planned to pre-book the organisation’s logistics capacity and its supply chain to minimize potential cost increases. Supply chain planning should also be consistent with expected demand in terms of project delivery, material availability and distribution capacities. Understanding the current and future logistical capacities the associated trade-offs linked to foreseen and unforeseen issues such as the Covid 19 pandemic are essential to prioritize capacity needs and the impact of changes in demand and supply chains. [2]

[1] UK BIM Framework, 2020. Information protocol to support BS EN ISO 19650-2 the delivery phase of assets.
[2] K. Alicke, X. Azcue, and E. Barriball, “Supply-chain recovery in coronavirus times – plan for now and the future,” McKinsey, Mar. 18, 2020. (acc