
Depending on the technology discussed, the term attribute can be treated as equivalent to a property or as a set of attributes, such as the number of elements in a file or the size of an element in the file. An attribute defines a certain value for a particular instance of a particular property or object in an object or element. It could also specify specific values for given cases of this kind and refer to specific properties of the same object, element and / or element type.

In computing, an attribute is a specification that defines a property, object, or element in a file.

In C++ programming language, attributes are equivalent to annotations in Java and are the metadata attached to an object, such as a file, file name or file type. Attributes are a structured way to add metadata to a class, method, variable and other data structures

data element for the computer-sensible description of a property […], a group of properties […], etc.

Note 1 to entry: An attribute describes only one single detail of a property or a group of properties.

EXAMPLE The name of a property, the definition of a group of properties.

[SOURCE: ISO 13584-42:2010, 3.3, modified — In the definition and Note 1 to entry, references to “a relation or a class” have been replaced with “a group of properties”; the EXAMPLE has been updated.] BS EN ISO 23386:2020

data element for the computer-sensible description of a property, a relation or a class
[SOURCE: BS ISO 22274:2013, 3.2]

PAS 14191:2020

1. [noun] a quality or feature regarded as a characteristic or inherent part of someone or something.

2. [computing] a piece of information which determines the properties of a field or tag in a database or a string of characters in a display.

[google dictionary]

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