coordinated activity of an organization to realize value from assets Note 1 to entry: Realization of value will normally involve a balancing of costs, risks, opportunities and performance benefits.Note 2
BIM Collaboration Format (BCF) is an open file format that allows the addition of textual comments, screenshots, and other information on top of the IFC model layer for improved communication
PD 19650‑0:2019 In short, the BuildingSMART Data Dictionary is a library for everything to do with the building. NumberName is an int key and string value that can be stored
named and individually scheduled physical item and feature that might require management, such as inspection, maintenance, servicing or replacement, during the in-use phaseNote 1 to entry: Components can serve as
data type consisting of a set of named values called elements, members, enumeral, or enumerators ofthe type
interacting objects organized to achieve one or more stated purpose [SOURCE: ISO/IEC/IEEE 15288:2015, 4.1.46, modified — The words “combination of” at the beginninghave been removed; “elements” has been replaced by
language to provide system (3.13) architects, software engineers, and software developers with toolsfor analysis, design, and implementation of software-based systems as well as for modelling businessand similar processesNote 1 to
property of a phenomenon, body, or substance, where the property has a magnitude that can be expressed by means of a number and a reference. for example a measure with
publication that is consulted to find specific information, particularly in a technical or scientific domain EXAMPLE See EN 771-1:2011+A1: 2015.Note 1 to entry: A reference document can be associated with
standard measurements of physical quantities that require a clear definition to be useful. The International Bureau of Weights and Measures (BIPM) is responsible for ensuring the standardization of the use
provides the data structure for data templates using objects, collections and relationships between them. The multiplicities in the UML diagram specify the range of allowablecardinality values, giving a specification of
formal specification is provided in the EXPRESS language. BS EN ISO 23387:2020
A deactivation request corresponds to a modification of the property. After validating of the deactivation request by the experts, the value of the calculated status of the property changes to
A replacement request corresponds to the creation of the property and the deactivation of the property it replaces. After validation of the replacement request by the experts, the replaced property
A fragmentation request corresponds to the deactivation of the property and the creation of several properties. After validation of the fragmentation request by the experts, the fragmented property is deactivated.
A merge request corresponds to the creation of one property and the deactivation of several properties. After validation of the merge request by the experts, the merged properties are deactivated.
The procedure to remove duplicate properties shall be carried out on the relevant attributes. The management of duplicates cannot be fully automated. BS EN ISO 23386:2020
Technical Committee – Buildings and civil engineering works
a Technical Committee (TC), which develops standards in a certain sector or industry;
a Subcommittee (SC), which addresses a specialized area within a TC;
a Project Committee (PC), which is created to develop one standard, after which it is disbanded.
Set of principles to be followed by people involved in ISO work, e.g. working within an international framework, upholding consensus, being ethical.
Assurance given by an independent certification body (ISO does not perform certification) that a product, service or system meets the requirements of a standard.
AD HOC GROUP (AHG) Group set up within a committee to look into a particular problem and report back to the parent committee at a meeting. The group is disbanded after
Committee whose secretariat is provided by ISO/CS that deals with conformity assessment and is responsible for the development of conformity assessment standards.
This could be: a Technical Committee (TC), which develops standards in a certain sector or industry; a Subcommittee (SC), which addresses a specialized area within a TC; a Project Committee
WORKING GROUP (WG) Specialized group within a committee that is responsible for drafting a particular standard or set of deliverables. It is usually quite small, composed of experts and headed by
Association Française de Normalisation Asociation French Normalization Organization Regulation
The document aimed to be used by manufacturers and consumers where information about a product, is collated in a standardised and structured way. The information is structured in the form