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Digital Construction (electrical)

term introduced first in PAS 1192 and updated in ISO 19650 framework, it depicts the process of specifying and delivery of project and asset information

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forms a framework that supports informed and consistent decision making by project teams, at each work stage, helping to deliver agreed and reliable information.

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Exchange Information Requirements (EIR) term introduced by BS EN 19650 replace the PAS 1192 term Employer Information Requirements (EIR) on all projects where BS EN ISO 19650 compliance is required.

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The term introduced by ISO 19650 typically describes the Tier 1 Main Contractor.

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breakdown structure to help plan the production of information

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schedule of information containers and delivery dates, for a specific task team

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An MPDT its old PAS 1192 term, the MPDT defines who produces what, when and to what level of detail.

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Assembling the entire BIM design and construction team in a single location (“Co-location”) enables almost instant and direct communication and coordination among team members. This Co-location of all team members provides the environment, opportunity, and proximity to build trust among teammates, while efficiently designing. The project issues are nearly transparent and solutions start to evolve in near real-time because everyone is working in the same physical space. Some costly logistics such as travel to and from an external meeting address are essentially eliminated. Regular whole-team meetings, and more restricted discipline team meetings, can have standing schedules that permit brief broadcasts of information that get everyone in sync. Such “big room” meetings help downstream participants appreciate upstream obstacles and solutions, as well as enabling downstream participants to propose field-level solutions that designers may have underappreciated.1

1 The Massachusetts Port Authority, 2015. BIM Guidelines for Vertical and Horizontal Construction.

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