globally unique identifier (GUID) its a unique object identifier that guarantees its uniqueness throughout its entire life unique, the identifier is usually generated using an algorithm
a unique identifier generated using an algorithm [1]
identifier given to a product that guarantees its uniqueness throughout its entire life [2]
In Windows operating system and Windows applications GUIDs are part of the universally unique ID (UUID) standard, initially developed to keep track of instances of Component Object Model (COM) objects in the Windows registry.
It is a 128-bit number created to identify specific components, hardware, software, files, user accounts, database entries, and other items.[3]
[1] BS EN ISO 23386:2020, In ISO 16739‑1 and ISO 12006‑3 the compressed version of GUID is used.
[2] BS ISO 6707-2:2017, 3.2.46, In BS EN ISO 16739 and BS EN ISO 12006-3, the compressed version of GUID is used.
The compressed version can be transposed into the long version programmatically.
[3] Globally Unique Identifier (GUID), techope