Model View Definition (MVD)

One or more specific information exchange requirements may necessitate the need for a model view definition (MVD). A machine-readable representation of MVDs is required when using them in software development. Filtering information in software tools can be done by using an MVD that is only dedicated to one information delivery model (IDM). An MVD can be used for data validation if additional information constraints are added. A consolidated MVD that refers to multiple IDMs may be used by software products that support multiple exchange requirements. In software product certification, these MVDs are frequently used, but data validation should always be performed on individual MVDs. [1]

computer-interpretable definition of an exchange requirement, specifically bound to one or more
particular standard information schemas
Note 1 to entry: A model view definition (MVD) is also referred to as a view definition, a subset (of a schema) and
a conformance class (CC) especially in ISO 10303.

BS EN ISO 29481-1:2017

computer-interpretable definition of an exchange requirement, specifically bound to one or more
particular standard information schemas
Note 1 to entry: A model view definition (MVD) is also referred to as a view definition, a subset (of a schema) and
a conformance class (CC) especially in ISO 10303.

BS EN ISO 29481-1:2017

[1] ISO 29481-1:2016 clause 5.6.4 Model view definition (MVD)

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